Purna Yoga Bali

6 Step Balanced Morning Routine

Have you ever started your day just wrong, and then the whole day followed the same pattern?

Starting the day well is crucial to ending it well!

Here are 6 morning steps, which help us go through a day in the efficient and balanced way. You can personalize them to suit your lifestyle and needs – everyone can benefit from having these steps in their daily routine.

  1. Early Wake Up – to begin with peace.
    So that we have enough time for all the morning activities. In the early morning the world is still quiet, the mind is more peaceful and not disturbed by exernal distractions.
  2. Morning Ayurvedic Cleansing – to purify. This includes things such as bowel and bladder elimination, cool shower, oral cleansing (oil pulling, teeth brushing and tongue scraping), nasal cleansing (jala neti). Also, drinking a glass of hot water on an empty stomach is a simple and super effective ayurvedic habit! All of that helps us flush out the toxins.
  3. Time for Your Wellbeing – to fill your own cup. This is a practice time which should include mindful breath, movement and meditation, so that you can invest in the health of your body and mind. For us it’s a daily practice of yoga, pranayama and meditation.
  4. Intention Setting / Day Plan – to ensure you walk in the right direction. Starting the day with clear intention and priorities helps us remain focused and on the right track.
  5. Healthy Breakfast – to recharge. Natural, nourishing and balanced. Also, eaten in a peaceful atmosphere.
  6. Inspiration / Self Growth Time – to grow. That’s when we connect with the outside world, and bring in devices such as the phone or computer. We choose this first contact with the world to valuable- it might be reading a page of an inspiring book, listening to a podcast on the way to work or watching an educational video. Whatever we choose, we want it to bring new insight and joy!

Do you already include some of the 6 steps in your morning routine? Or maybe you have some others that help you start the day well? Would love to hear from you!

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